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Sprint Release #133

Sprint 133 Release Note: New Amplience Connector, Expanded Support for Large Files, and more! Happy reading on sprint release day! 🎉

Amplience Connector for DAM Asset Delivery

Amplience Integration 1920x1080 (1)


Users now have the capability to seamlessly deliver assets directly from Creative Force to their Amplience platform. This includes functionality to transmit metadata via API to Amplience, providing a comprehensive and streamlined asset delivery solution.


This new connector eliminates the need for manual image transfers from existing Creative Force delivery options (such as FTP, S3, etc.) to Amplience.

Expanded Support for Large Files


We have added a few updates to presets:

  • Added PSB as supported file format in presets
  • Added a new “File Fallback” parameter to PSD & TIF presets


If your retouchers’ variant file sizes do not exceed the PSD or TIF file size limitations (2GB and 4GB, respectively), never fear - you can expect no difference to your current ways of working.

However, as files continue to increase in size and complexity, so does our support for additional file types in Creative Force, like PSB variants. Additionally, the “File Fallback” parameter reveals new automatic logic to handle the file size limitations of PSD and TIF file formats. This saves your retouchers from running into errors when saving variants with large file sizes, which would previously result in errors or workarounds.

Pro Tip: If your retouchers are commonly working with file sizes that exceed the limitations of PSD (2GB), we would also recommend updating your studios’ Internal Post Working File Type Format to PSB. You can find this in: Studio Settings > Production Settings > Post-Production > Internal Post. This can be updated at any time and will only affect tasks not yet started in the Internal Post step.

Other Improvements

  • When creating a new client, updated the ‘First Day of Week’ value to be Monday by default.
  • General performance enhancement for Pixelz and Bright River.

Bugs Fixed

  • API: Issue with Sample Display Image
  • API: Incorrect external post webhook event
  • Gamma: When bulk editing products, unexpected result allowed
  • Gamma: Incorrect handling when the user selects products with Done status
  • Gamma: Cannot disable shooting types of a "Done" product after enabling them
  • Hue: Upload Error for TIF File